Sarahs Fund

Meet Sarah

To all donors, sponsors, patients and families
At 8 years old, when most children are carefree, I was diagnosed with cancer, in a fight for my life. I am quite sure I would not be here today without the support of my incredible family, the world-class team at the Children’s, and the community that rallied around me. Friends started lemonade stands and gave up their birthday presents in favour of raising money to help me and other kids with cancer—first on their own, and then year after year as part of Splash and Dash and other third-party events.
So much has changed in the 20+ years since Sarah’s Fund started, but what has not, is that every day kids with cancer must face challenges that shouldn’t be part of their childhood. In the absence of a cure, we must continue to support them in this battle. And this was the genesis of Sarah’s Fund. Providing the best care possible for our young heroes fighting cancer today.
I have a deep connection to everyone who passes through our doors, though it’s not a connection I wish on anyone. It is a terrifying and challenging time; there is no getting around that. But, the biggest thing I can share with you is that your cancer is not who you are, that nothing will hold you back from where you want to be.
When I meet kids on Sarah’s Floor as a three time cancer survivor, who is now healthy and pursuing my dreams, I hope I can show them their cancer is not the end. I am beyond grateful to be able to pass on the same hope and courage that inspired me in my battle. I want to continue to empower children and young adults with cancer, provide much-needed resources and support to their families, make their lives a little easier, and to remind them that they’re not alone on this journey.
By donating to Sarah’s Fund, you are also standing by them, cheering them on as they navigate their unique journeys and ensuring that no one travels their path alone.
Thank you for all your support over these 20+ years, for providing the kids on Sarah’s Floor with the best care and just what they need to find their own strength and courage. We must push forward together—until cancer is history.
From the bottom of my heart thank you,